Loving Pastor and Chaplain Bruce Ingle unexpectedly passed away Tuesday evening April 4, from a heart attack. He has gone to be with the Lord, leaving his wife Debbie, children Sherry and Nathan and their spouses Matthew and Heather, numerous grand-children, siblings and extended family. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family, grieving with them over their tragic loss. We look forward to the day when we all will see Pastor Bruce again, at Jesus´ return.
Pastor Bruce was a man who walked closely with his God. He was an inspiration to me personally, when my wife and I became pastors here in Susanville. Shortly after our arriving here, I asked to meet with him, and he told me about the early years of his pastoring at Gospel Tabernacle. The Lord told him it would be five years before he would start to see the results of his labors. Pastor Bruce accepted this and persevered through an extended period of hardship in the church. It was five years to the day before growth became apparent. God was faithful to His word, and Gospel Tabernacle today occupies a meaningful place in the Susanville Christian community, a testimony to a faithful God and a faithful servant.
You see, Pastor Bruce knew Jesus as his personal friend, as well as his Lord and Savior. In this relationship, God gave him a vision not only for pastoring Gospel Tabernacle, but also for reaching the community. Pastor Bruce asked the Lord to show the way, and not long after he received a letter from Sheriff Bill Freitas, inviting him to become the chaplain for Law Enforcement in this area. He was happy to accept, seeing it as God´s calling, and he served our law enforcement community gladly. This meant he would spend countless hours standing by our police and fire department personnel, sharing their grief for fallen friends, listening to their stories and extending the love of Jesus by being there for them in their times of need.
Pastor Bruce lived life well. His life was interwoven with his relationship with God. His legacy lives on in his family, his church and every single life he touched with God´s grace and compassion. He fulfilled the call on his life, to pastor, and make a difference in the community.
Thank you, Pastor Bruce, for a life well-lived. Till we meet again.
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