
Monday, April 27, 2020

God's love inside us - Matthew 14:14

Matt 14:14 "Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick."

If we want to be used by God to do mighty things, it has to start inside us. The impetus to heal starts with compassion inside, empathy for people in their hurt and pain. This is not something you can "fake it till you make it". It comes from the inside out.

God is love (1). When we surrender to Jesus, he comes to live inside us (2), and our spirit is transformed to be like his. We are encouraged to have the same thought motivation that Jesus had (3). The sacrificial love that led him to leave heaven, become a person like us, and ultimately pay the supreme price for our total healing in spirit, soul and body (4).

How do we get that love? It is something that God shares when he makes his home in us (5).  It is the primary fruit of having the Holy Spirit dwelling inside (6). So this evidence of God's presence should be evident in the Christian life.

Now, maybe we have truly received Jesus into our life, and yet do not feel that compassion for the hurting.  How could this be?

We are a product of our heredity and our past.  Many of us have experienced emotional hurt and pain, and as a consequence built up protective walls to stop us being hurt in the future. These are not literal walls, but thought patterns in our mind. At some point we learned to shut off emotion and feeling, as a protection. As we progress through life we now find difficulty feeling and expressing emotion. 

If we are to be God's hands and feet, we need to feel his love for this hurting world (7).  This inability to feel compassion for others needs healing, if we are to move forward in God's purpose for us. How?

Jesus paid the price so we may be healed. Both physically and emotionally. 

Just as forgiveness for sin requires confession and repentance, healing of our emotions also requires confession that we have a problem, and a determination to live differently, allowing God's love to shine through.

We may need pastoral counseling to work through this.  We may feel ashamed that we, as a Christian, need help with something seemingly so basic. Please know there is no shame in changing to be more like Christ.  But it may require taking a step, reaching out for help. Feel free to contact us if you need this.  

1. 1 John 4:8
2. John 14:17, 23
3. Philippians 2:5
4. Philippians 2:5-8
5. Colossians 1:27
6. Galatians 5:22-23
7. 1 John 4:10-11, 20-21

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Worship Service - April 26, 2020

Welcome to the Freedom Fellowship online worship service!

"Lord, as we come together online this morning, would you please touch our hearts and help us receive all you have for us at this time!  Encourage us with your word.  In Jesus name, Amen."


Please click on the following worship video links, and worship with us!

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) -

Our God -

Do It Again -


Title:     Our Heroes!
Text:     Hebrews 11
Date:     April 26, 2020


When I was growing up, I used to devour the Sunday comic section of the newspaper!  There were all kinds of goodies there, like crossword puzzles, fun jokes (at my level!), problems to solve, tests of my observation skills.  What I especially enjoyed, was the comics, especially Prince Valiant.  I would look forward to each weeks new installment of Prince Valiant's adventures!  He was my hero!

There is something inside each of us that wants heroes.  We want someone to look up to, someone to copy, a role model for us.  As we grow older, our need for comic book heroes goes away, and yet there remains a hunger for people to look up to, role models to show us the way.

Today we are going to take a look at some of the qualities of heroes of the faith!


Hebrews 11 gives a short list of some of the heroes of the faith, people like you and me!  These were flesh and blood people.  They did not have the super powers of our comic book heroes.  But they had other much greater qualities, which became evident in the fires of trial and persecution.

They had the quality of courage

Moses grew up as a prince in Pharaoh's court, was exiled for killing an Egyptian.  Forty years later, God calls Moses to go back to the place of his humiliation.  He returned not to wallow in self-pity, but to courageously stand up to Pharaoh, and lead the Israelites to freedom!  This took incredible courage!  And Moses won a place in the Hebrews 11 Hall of Fame. (1)

Daniel was captured by the Babylonians, while still a young man.  God works in his life, gives him opportunities, and then starts to speak to him in his dreams.  Daniel has to stand up and courageously speak the prophetic dreams, which then come to pass.  In doing this he makes enemies.  These opponents try to engineer his death.  Daniel is faced with a choice, continue his walk with God, or be thrown to the lions.  Courageously, he makes his choice, and is hurled into the lion pit.  That took courage! (2)

Many others are mentioned:  "And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. Women received back their dead, raised to life again. There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground." (3)  

They were men and women of courage.

They had the quality of faith

This courage was not a quality they necessarily grew up with.  It may not have been a courage born of training and development.  This courage come from their faith!

This chapter, Hebrews 11 is known as the Faith Chapter.  This is because each of these heroic examples is introduced by the words "By faith [name] [what we remember them for]."  These are heroes of faith!  This is the source of their courage!

What is this faith?  This chapter explains that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (4). 

This faith comes from not believing only in the physical or tangible, but also believing that things promised will happen, that the spirit is just as real as the physical.

We look at the circumstances around us and we may be fearful and scared.  But God's promise is to be with us continually, never leaving our side (5)  If we believe God to be trust worthy and faithful, we trust that he is with us in the fire, "the pestilence that walks in darkness" (6) , that he promises to provide for our needs (7) and to heal our sicknesses (8) 

"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgives all thine iniquities; who heals all thy diseases; Who redeems thy life from destruction; who crowns thee with loving kindness and tender mercies; Who satisfies thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's". (9)

They kept their eyes on Jesus

Just like Peter who walked on the water to Jesus (10), in an amazing example of faith, it is when we keep our eyes on Jesus (19) that we can live the life of faith.  When we take our eyes off Jesus, that is when we focus on our surroundings and our faith falters.

Faith comes from seeing that our life is all about Jesus.  He is the author and perfecter of our faith (11).  He is the one who walks with us through everything we experience both good and bad. It is Jesus who calls us to an amazing future, both in this life and the life to come!

Our heroes of the Hall of Fame, looked beyond this life, beyond the here and now.

They looked toward a time when they would live forever in a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God (12). They were not concerned about preserving their physical life, as long as their future was assured!  (13)

These Super Heroes had special powers,  Their powers were birthed out of a vision for the future that could not be quenched, a faith that whatever God had promised was as good as done, and a courage that was not afraid of standing up for their testimony (14)!


This world is searching for heroes, people who will lead them to a better and a safer future.  People are parched and thirsty for things of true value.  The fields are white, ready for harvest, but God says, where are the laborers? (15)

God is looking for super heroes, who will stand up and say "Send me!"  People who have caught the vision of the big picture, a life that goes on into all eternity, an inheritance in heaven, pure and undefiled (16).

God is crying out "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" (17)  Who will go out and fearlessly stand for me?  who will shun the pleasures of sin, for the sake of obeying the call?  Who will say, "Send me!" (18) 

Are you a super hero?  Have you been waiting quietly in the shadows, but now you itch to obey the call? To step out in courage, to fearlessly stand on the side of right, to fight the fight of faith, and to prepare a people to meet their God?


"Lord, I come to you today, knowing that you have been preparing laborers for the harvest.  Give me the vision, the faith and the courage to step forward and respond, Lord, send me.  Raise up an army of workers, laborers who will bring in the end-time harvest.  Let me be one of them Lord.  In Jesus name, Amen."

Let's listen to the final song again:

Do It Again -


(1)   Hebrews 11:24-29
(2)   Hebrews 11:33
(3)   Hebrews 11:32-38)
(4)   Hebrews 11:1
(5)  Hebrews 13:5).
(6)   Psalm 91:6
(7)   Matt 6:33
(8)   Exodus 15:26, Psalm 103:3, 1 Pet 2:24
(9)   Psalm 103:2-5
(10) Matthew 14:25-32
(11)  Phil 1:6
(12)  Heb 11:10
(13)  Matthew 16:25
(14)  Revelation 12:11
(15)  Matthew 9:37-38
(16) 1 Peter 1:4
(17)  Isaiah 11:6
(18)  Isaiah 11:8
(19)  Hebrews 12:1-2

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Worship Service - April 19, 2020

Good morning everyone! I pray you are doing great, despite social distancing and limitations on your normal activities!

However, if you are not well, please feel free to email us at I promise that we will pray for you, and ask for the Lord's intervention in your life.


Here are today's worship songs. Please feel free to just listen to them, or to sing along as you wish, wherever you may be.

The Blessing (Live) - Elevation Worship  

God of Revival - Bethel Music  

Way Maker (Live from Passion 2020) - Passion  

Message Title: Let Revival Come!
Scripture: 1 Kings 17-18
Date: April 19, 2020


It was summertime. The sun beat down mercilessly on a dry and thirsty land. Streams and pools of water had dried up, the crops had failed, and food was scarce. The population of Israel was hurting, badly. No doubt vulnerable people were dying then too, just like today.

Why was this happening? Wasn't this nation known as God's chosen people? Why had God seemingly turned his back on them? Why did it seem as though the nation was cursed by God, rather than blessed?

Today we are going to look at how God used a terrible time of hardship and turned it into blessing. There is hope for us as a nation, too.


Elijah the prophet was God's messenger to the Israelites during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel. Ahab was one of the worst kings the Israelites had had during their checkered history.

Greatly influenced by his Phoenician wife Jezebel, Ahab had spread the worship of Baal the sun-god throughout Israel. Baal worship was rampant in Israel's neighboring countries, and now this sick religion had spread its tentacles throughout Israel, God's chosen people.

Baal worship involved both men and women, and was centered around worshiping the sun, the God of fire. This was a fertility religion and promiscuity was a central part of worship. Possibly the worst part of these pagan practices, was that the people would sacrifice their children by burning them, as an offering to Baal (1).

No wonder that God forbade the Israelites to worship him like the surrounding nations did (2). Yet the Israelites had combined their worship of God, with the worship of Baal, creating a religion which was a travesty.

However, God does not give up on his people, despite the terrible things they were now doing.

So God sends Elijah to king Ahab, telling the king that God is going to impose a drought on Israel. This drought lasted three and a half years (3). The land suffered (4), and as a consequence in an agrarian society, people went hungry, there was famine in the land (5).


After the allotted time, God sends Elijah back to Ahab to announce that God was now going to cause the drought to finish - rain was coming. We see from this that God is a merciful God. The nation had not yet turned back to God, or away from Baal. Yet God said, I am going to send rain (6).

Then, having pronounced an end to the drought, God sends Elijah to call for national repentance.
Elijah calls the prophets of Baal to a show down on Mount Carmel. Elijah challenges them to an epic duel, to determine who is real - the God of their fathers, or Baal?

Elijah gets the prophets of Baal to build and altar and prepare a sacrifice, without lighting the fire. Elijah also, prepares an altar and a sacrifice. He, however, drenches the sacrifice and the altar with water, even filling a ditch around the altar with water. Now, God's prophet challenges the Baal worshipers to call on their God to send down fire from heaven. Nothing happens. They dance around the altar, cutting themselves, calling out for an answer from the sun-god. Nothing.

Then Elijah utters a short prayer. God responds immediately, sending fire from heaven onto the altar and the sacrifice. The fire consumes everything!


When the Israelites see how the God of their fathers responds, while the god called Baal is obviously just a figment of their imagination, they repent. "The Lord, He is the God, the Lord, He is God" (7).

God does not deal with us according to our sins (8). If God did punish us for our sins, nothing would be left of us. We murder our unborn children - 862,000 abortions in the United States in 2017 (9), around 56 million abortions each year worldwide (10). How does this compare with the child sacrifice of Ball worship? No, we do not burn them alive with fire. Instead we dismember them while their hearts are still beating, and throw them out with the trash.

Thankfully God is a merciful God. And there will be an end to the current epidemic.

It is time that we as a nation, and world-wide, turn back to God in heartfelt repentance. We have the blood of millions of unborn babies on our hands, quite apart from having left God out of our society.

We as a nation, and as individuals, need to beg the Lord for forgiveness.


"Lord, we turn to you on behalf of our nation and for ourselves and beg for your forgiveness. As a Christian nation we have turned away from you and slaughtered our children on the altars of convenience. We have thrown the Bible out of our public places, our schools have taught our children perverted sexual practices and abolished prayer, and we have rebelled against you.

"Please forgive our many sins, and bring the rain of revival upon this land again. There has been a drought of the Holy Spirit, please return and draw your people back to you.

"Thank you Lord, for your unending and totally undeserved mercy. Help us turn back to you. In Jesus' name, amen".

1. "The Canaanites worshiped Baal as the sun god and as the storm God - he is usually depicted holding a lightning bolt - who defeated enemies and produced crtops. They also worshiped him as a fertility god who provided children. Baal worship was rooted in sensuality and involved ritualistic prostitution in the temples. At times, appeasing Baal required human sacrifice, usually the firstborn of the one making the sacrifice (Jeremiah 19:5). The priests of Baal appealed to their god in rites of wild abandon which included loud, ecstatic cries and self-inflicted injury (1 Kings 18:28)" -
2. Deuteronomy 12:30
3. James 5:17
4. 1 Kings 17:7
5. 1 Kings 17:12
6. 1 Kings 18:1
7. 1 Kings 18:39
8. Psalms 103:10

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Slaying our giants! - 1 Samuel 17

It is summer. The creek in the valley has slowed to a trickle. Tension fills the air. The Israelite soldiers fearfully gaze across the valley, at the opposing army. Suddenly they see the object of their fear, the giant Goliath, striding out to taunt them. Goliath is 9 1/2 foot tall, probably 4 foot taller than the rest. He challenges the Israelites to send out their strongest warrior to fight him, one on one.

The Israelite soldiers tremble with fear. David, a shepherd boy, has a divine appointment that day. He has experienced God's intervention before. He knows God wants him to do battle with the giant.

David clambers down to the creek, and selects five smooth stones, as ammunition for his sling. He was adept at using the sling, it was part of his skillset.  He climbs up the opposing hill, till he stands before his enemy, Goliath. David takes a stone, places it in the sling, then throws it with all his might at the giant. God guides the stone to exactly the right spot, the forehead,  and the giant is knocked senseless. David pulls the giant's sword, and slays Goliath!

Quite a story.

We all have giants in our lives.  Maybe it is the fight against addiction. Maybe it is some other issue like anger or anxiety.  Or something else.

It is Gods will that we overcome our enemy (1). This will take courage, our giant is not just going to play dead (2).  It will take standing against the enemy's attack (3).

But as with David, God stands ready to fight alongside us (4). There is a partnership principle in our relationship with God. When we draw near to God, he draws near to us (5). David said God teaches his hands to war (6). We are responsible to fight. But it is God who gives us the victory (7).

Whatever our giant,  we can overcome it, with God at our side. We were created to be slayers of giants! Both physical and spiritual.

Continue reading this blog to learn about how to deal with the issues in your life!

Keep on fighting the good fight!

1.  Revelation 3:12
2.  1 Peter 5:8
3.  Ephesians 6:13
4.  Exodus 14:14, Deuteronomy 1:30
5.  James 4:8
6.  Psalm 18:34, 144:1
7.  1 Corinthians 15:57

Monday, April 13, 2020

You can conquer! - 1 Samuel 14:6

1 Samuel 14:6 "... for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few"

The Philistines assembled to squelch a perceived threat from the Israelites. The Israelite king Saul and prince Jonathan commanded three thousand warriors. Only Saul and Jonathan had swords. The Philistines assembled an enormous force: thirty thousand chariots, six thousand cavalry, and warriors numbering "like the sand on the seashore". Overwhelming odds!

The Israelites hunker down on one side of a pass, the Philistines camp on the other side. The sides of the pass are steep.

Meanwhile, Prince Jonathan is a believer. He trusts God. He knows Israel is God's chosen people. Jonathan decides to step out in faith. He tells his armorbearer God is not worried by the huge size of the enemy. He will ask God to show his will by a very specific sign.

Jonathan takes a step of faith. He immediately springs into action. He and the armorbearer clamber up the opposite side of the pass. They reach the top, and now directly face the enemy. It is at this moment that God responds! He clearly answers Jonathan's prayer. Jonathan commences battle. One man against millions. He strikes down twenty warriors. But how can he destroy a whole army?

God answers Jonathan's step of faith by going to battle on his behalf. A tremor of fear goes through the enemy's ranks. The ground quakes. The Philistine warriors start fighting each other. The Israeli lookouts see the Philistine army melting away. Saul mobilizes the troops and they pursue the Philistines. God gives the Israelites an amazing victory.

We too face huge enemies. Today we face the coronavirus and many other enemies too. Like addiction, emotional issues like anger or fear. Depression and hopelessness. These enemies may seem impossible for us to conquer. But we can be sure it is God's will that we overcome these overwhelming enemies.

It takes a step of faith. Like prince Jonathan, we must recognize that God wants us to vanquish the enemy. We can't do it on our own, but God plus us are a majority! With God nothing is impossible (1). We trust God and he gives us the victory (2). The battle is the Lord's (3).

So whatever the battles we face, God is ready to give us the victory! All it takes, is a Jonathan taking a step of faith!

Will you be that Jonathan?

1. Luke 1:37
2. 1 Cor 15:57
3. 1 Sam 17:47